What happens if I do not contact SC811 before I dig?
a) Contacting SC811 before you dig is essential for safety, as it helps prevent accidental damage to underground utilities like gas lines, water pipes, or electrical cables. If you don’t use SC811, you risk hitting these utilities, which can lead to dangerous situations such as gas leaks, electrical shocks, or water main breaks. Not only can this pose a threat to your safety and the safety of others, but it can also result in costly repairs or potential legal consequences. Contact SC811, every dig every time.
Is SC811 a state agency?
a) No, SC811 is not-for-profit funded by its members, the majority being facility operators.
We have a colleague who no longer works with our company. How can I update our SC811 information accordingly?
a) You can reach out to our Help Desk by clicking the ‘Chat Now’ button located at the bottom right of this screen, by emailing support@sc811.com, or by calling our Help Desk at 1-800-290-2783 opt 1. If you are a member of SC811 and need to update your membership information, then you can fill out our Membership Update Short Form here.
Having issues reaching SC811 when you dial 811?
a) Please dial 1-888-721-7877 or click here to submit your request online by creating an Exactix account.
How do I receive promotional items?
a) You can get free promotional items by filling out this form. Please allow 2 weeks for your items to arrive.
Are you hiring?
a) We welcome applications at any time. To explore opportunities, please visit our careers page by clicking here.
What information is on the Disclaimer?
a) Please listen to the following information in regards to your locate request. For a normal locate request Facility Operators have 3 full working days, not including the day of the locate request entry weekends and holidays to respond. You are required to check positive response to determine if all facility operators have responded before you begin your excavation work. The fastest way to check positive response is by visiting our online ticket management system, Exactix. This can be found when you click the request a locate button on the SC811.com homepage. By law, you must allow a tolerance zone of 24 inches plus 1/2 the width of the facility, if known, on either side of the markings. If the diameter of the facility is not known, 24 inches of either side of the outside edge of the markings. You are required to hand dig in the Tolerance Zone until the facility has been exposed or it has been deemed determined that no facility is present up to the depth of excavation. Facility Operators only mark the underground utility lines they install and maintain. Some utilities on the property are considered private facilities and may not be located. For a list of private locators who are able to locate these lines, visit SC811.com/private-locators. The color code markings used by the facility operators can be found at SC811.com or at the bottom of the locate request that was sent to your chosen email. To view the Damage Prevention Act click the word state law under the quick links tab at the bottom of the SC811.com homepage. Thank you for calling South Carolina 811. If you need to hear this message again, press one.
Does SC811 provide training?
a) Yes, Sc811 offers both online and in-person training. To access our online training courses visit our training page here. If you wish to schedule in-person training for a group, click here and a representative from our Public Awareness Department will contact you.
I did not request markings of underground utilities on my property, so why are there markings present?
a) If markings are present, it is possible that a request has been submitted for your address, indicating that potential underground utility work may be taking place.
Who is required to notify SC811 before beginning excavation work?
a) Anyone who intends to excavate (See definition of excavation, Section 58-36-20 (9)), unless an exemption listed in the state law applies. To view exemptions, review section 58-36-110 of the SC Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act click here.
Why won’t 811 tell me the depth of the facilities?
a) Members are only required to mark the horizontal location of their facilities because facility depths can vary due to installation practices, changes in the grade, soil, erosion, etc.
I have waited for the required time and some or all my lines have not been marked. What do I do?
a) If you have waited the full three working days to begin your excavation or the full ten days for subaqueous excavation and the member has failed to respond in Positive Response, check to make sure that the information provided on the notice is correct and contact SC811 to have the member(s) re-notified.
As a subcontractor, do I need to obtain my own ticket, or can I operate under the general contractor’s locate ticket? Additionally, can more than one contractor be listed on the same ticket?
a) SC811 recommends that each company conducting excavation has its own locate notice. This ensures that all details are accurate and the notices are managed properly from beginning to the end of the excavation. While some companies may choose to include multiple subcontractors on a single notice, this is not the best practice to ensure that other obligations, such as positive response, are handled appropriately.If you are a subcontractor and do not have your own ticket, it is important that you ensure you are listed as a subcontractor on the general contractor’s notice(s). Please verify this information with the general contractor that your details are included correctly in their notices.
There are underground utilities in my yard, but they were not located. Why?
a) If underground utilities were not marked in your yard, there could be several reasons. Firstly, if your excavation notice was specific about the location but there are no facilities in specified area of excavation, the facility operator may respond as “No Conflict.” Additionally, utility companies only mark the lines they install and maintain. Private lines, such as water lines installed by plumbers or electric lines to detached garages, are not marked. You can hire a contract locator to find private lines. For a list of private locators, click here or contact SC811.
Who is liable for damages caused by a third-party company if a utility line is struck, or if excavation started after the work date but before all responses were completed?
a) SC811 cannot advise on specific damage situations or any liability issues. We recommend that excavators seek legal advice from their attorneys. If damage occurs, notify the operator whose facilities were damaged and report the damage to SC811 by completing our Damage Report.
How do I submit a Damage Report?
a)In the event of damage to underground facilities, it is mandatory by law to report it promptly.To submit a damage report, please click here(link to Exactix). As per the South Carolina Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act Section 56-36-90 (A), you must notify the notification center and the facility operator (if known) of the location and nature of the damage immediately upon discovery.
Why is it important to submit a Damage Report?
a) Damage reports are a vital tool in the continuous improvement of excavation practices. They help maintain legal compliance with South Carolina state regulations and provide SC811 with essential data to analyze trends and identify areas of concern. This information is invaluable for improving damage prevention strategies, enhancing safety measures, and focusing education and enforcement efforts where they’re most needed. By reporting damages, stakeholders contribute to a safer and more efficient excavation environment throughout the state.
Does South Carolina 811 record any damage data for users to view?
a) Yes, South Carolina 811 records damage data and makes it available for public viewing. You can access statistics and reports on our stats page by clicking here.
Why do I need to be a member?
a) 58-36-50(B) All operators are required to join the association and utilize the services of the notification center. It is required by law in South Carolina. An operator can be defined as any person, public utility, communications and cable service provider, municipality, electrical utility, electric and telephone cooperatives, and the South Carolina Public Service Authority as defined in Titles 5, 6, 33, and 58, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, who owns or operates a facility for commercial purposes in the State of South Carolina. In addition to enabling operators to enhance safety, comply with regulations, improve efficiency, and reduce costs associated with damage to their facilities, our state statute also has penalties that may be assessed if operators do not join SC811.
What are the benefits of being a member of South Carolina 811?
a) Being a member of South Carolina 811 ensures legal compliance, reduces the risk of costly damages, and enhances public safety. Membership helps you receive timely notifications about excavation activities near your underground infrastructure, allowing you to mark the area and prevent damage. Additionally, it demonstrates your commitment to safety and valuable resources and support from South Carolina 811.
How long does membership take?
a) The membership process typically takes 2 to 3 weeks, provided everything goes smoothly. This timeline assumes that the member fills out the required forms, completes the necessary training, and uploads their data on time.
What is the rate of membership?
a) The rate of membership varies based on several factors. For detailed information on membership rates, please visit our membership page here.